A lecture course on ultracold quantum gases by Dmitry Petrov and Gora Shlyapnikov


Jun 16, 2015 from 09:00 AM to 10:00 AM (Europe/Madrid / UTC200)


UPC, Campus Nord B4-212

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A lecture course on ultracold quantum gases by 

Dmitry Petrov and Gora Shlyapnikov,
Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modéles Statistiques, Univ. Paris-Sud, Orsay, France at UPC, Campus Nord, edifici B4 on June 10,12,13 and June 17,18,19 at 11:00 PROGRAM Dmitry Petrov Lecture 1 "Scattering theory" - Interatomic forces. Van der Waals potential. Length and energy scales - Ultracold scattering. Scattering amplitude, length and volume - Resonant scattering. Width of the resonance - Short-range pseudopotentials Lecture 2 "Three-body problem" - Born-Oppenheimer approximation - Efimov effect - Three-body problem near a narrow resonance - Few-body problem in a lattice, exotic trimer states - Exact (not Born-Oppenheimer) approach to three-body problem Lecture 3 "Weakly bound dimers" - 4-body problem. Born-Oppenheimer and exact treatment - Hybrid Born-Oppenheimer technique. Formation of trimers Gora Shlyapnikov Lecture 1 "Strongly interacting Fermi gases" -Strongly interacting regime. Unitarity limit. -Universal thermodynamics -Experiments with two-species Fermi gases. Monte Carlo studies. -Strongly interacting regime in Fermi mixtures. What changes on the BEC and on the BCS sides of the resonance? Lecture 2 "Dipolar quantum gases. Bosonic dipoles" -Dipolar systems to be studied. Dilute regime. Scattering problem -Dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate. Dynamical instability -Trapped dipolar BEC. Gross-Pitaevskii equation. Stability diagram. -2D and 1D dipolar BEC. Roton-maxon spectrum and instability -Can one obtain a supersolid state in free space? Lecture 3 "Dipolar quantum gases. Fermionic dipoles" -BCS limit. Superfluid transition in a single-component dipolar Fermi gas -Collective and single-particle exzcitations -2D dipolar Fermi gas. Superfluid-non-superfluid quantum transition -1D dipolar Fermi gas. Quantum Kosterlitz-Thouless transition