31.- "Molecular dynamics calculation of the Infrared spectra in liquid H2O-D2O mixtures"
J. Martí, J. A. Padró, E. Guàrdia
Journal of Molecular Liquids 62, 17-31 (1994)
30.- "On hydrogen bonding effects in liquid methanol: A molecular dynamics simulation study"
E.Guàrdia, G.Sesé, J.A.Padró
Journal of Molecular Liquids 62, 1-16 (1994)
29.- "Dielectric properties and infrared spectra of liquid water: Influence of the dynamic
cross correlations"
J. Martí, E. Guàrdia, J. A. Padró
Journal of Chemical Physics 101, 10883-10891 (1994)
28.- "Far-infrared spectra of HCl in dense Ar and time-dependent anisotropic potential
autocorrelation functions: A Molecular dynamics simulation study"
A. Medina, A. Calvo Hernández, S. Velasco, E. Guàrdia
Journal of Chemical Physics 100, 252-261 (1994)
27.- "Molecular dynamics simulation of liquid water at 523 K"
J. A. Padró, J. Martí, E. Guàrdia
Journal of Physics: Condens. Matter 6, 2283-2290 (1994)
26.- "Computer simulation of molecular motions in liquids: Infrared spectra of water and
heavy water"
J. Martí, J. A. Padró, E. Guàrdia
Molecular Simulation 11, 321-336 (1993)
25.- "Mean force potential for the calcium-chloride ion pair in water"
E. Guàrdia, A. Robinson, J. A. Padró
Journal of Chemical Physics 99, 4229-4230 (1993)
24.- "A parallel strategy for Molecular dynamics simulations of polar liquids on Transputer arrays"
J. Casulleras, E. Guàrdia
in Physics Computing'92, eds. R.A. de Groot, J.Nadrchal,
World Scientific, 1993, pp. 298-300.
23.- "Generalized Langevin dynamics simulation of activated processes in solution:
Ion pair interconversion in water"
R.Rey, E.Guàrdia, J.A.Padró
Journal of Chemical Physics 97, 8276-8284 (1992)
22.- "Statistical errors in constrained Molecular dynamics calculations of the mean force potential"
E. Guàrdia, R. Rey, J. A. Padró
Molecular Simulation 9, 201-211 (1992)
21.- "Friction kernels for the relative dynamics of ion pairs in water"
R. Rey, E. Guàrdia, J. A. Padró
Journal of Chemical Physics 97, 1343-1352 (1992)
20.- "Dynamical aspects of the Na+-Cl- ion pair association in water"
R. Rey, E. Guàrdia
Journal of Physical Chemistry 96, 4712-4718 (1992)
19.- "Computer simulation of liquid methanol. II. System size effects"
J. Casulleras, E. Guàrdia
Molecular Simulation 8, 273-283 (1992)
18.- "Na+-Na+ and Cl--Cl- ion pairs in water: Mean Force Potentials by constrained
molecular dynamics"
E. Guàrdia, R. Rey, J. A Padró
Journal of Chemical Physics 95, 2823-2831 (1991)
17.- "Potential of Mean Force by Constrained Molecular Dynamics: A sodium-chloride
ion pair in aqueous solution"
E. Guàrdia, R. Rey, J. A. Padró
Chemical Physics 155, 187-195 (1991)
16.- "Computer simulation of liquid methanol. I. Molecular dynamics on a supernode
transputer array"
J. Casulleras, E. Guàrdia
Molecular Simulation 7, 155-169 (1991)
15.- "Molecular dynamics simulation of polar liquids on a supernode transputer array"
J. Casulleras, E. Guàrdia
Proceedings of the 2nd ESPRIT Parallel Computing Action workshop, Ispra (Italy), December 1990.
14.- "Molecular dynamics simulation of ferrous and ferric ions in water"
E. Guàrdia , J. A. Padró
Chemical Physics 144, 353-362 (1990)
13.- "On the description of atomic motions in dense fluids by the generalized Langevin
dynamics equation: statistical properties of random forces"
G. Sesé, E. Guàrdia, J. A. Padró
Journal of Statistical Physics 60, 501-518 (1990)
12.- "Molecular dynamics simulation of single ions in aqueous solutions: effects of the
flexibility of the water molecules"
E. Guàrdia, J. A. Padró
Journal of Physical Chemistry 94, 6049-6055 (1990)